Meet Director Dan McGonigle
Why I'm Proud to be a Wildcat
Hello, my name is Daniel McGonigle, Director of Community Education for the Chisago Lakes school district. I'm thrilled to serve as your Community Education Director, and am in my third year as part of this district. I'm a lifelong learner myself, and I'm passionate about bringing that enthusiasm to our community. As your Community Education Director, I'm dedicated to building a vibrant and informed community. I believe that education is a cornerstone of a thriving society, and I'm committed to providing opportunities for lifelong learning for all ages. I'm excited to work with you to create a community where learning is accessible, engaging, and enriching for everyone.
My two youngest children are sophomores in the district and we’re thrilled to call such a wonderful place ‘home.’ Our children keep us busy with the many various activities that they are involved in, but in my spare time, my wife Emily and I like to hunt, fish, enjoy the outdoors and spend time with our other grown or college aged children.
I hope you’ll find our mission here in Chisago Lakes Community Education will resonate with you. The work we do, after all, is on your behalf. I’d love to grab a coffee and learn more about how best we can work to meet your needs. Or, if you’re interested in sharing a talent, interest or skill with our community, reach out to me; I’d be happy to chat about that too. Contact me at the email address listed below and let’s continue to work together to make Chisago Lakes such a wonderful place to live and learn together!